Cichlid Gold
Color enhancing, daily diet for all types of cichlids & larger tropical fish. Great for oscars too! Hikari
Cichlid Gold contains special color enhancers designed to bring out the
natural beauty and proper form of cichlids and other larger tropical
fish. We utilize the highest grade of ingredients formulated in exacting
quantities to produce a food that will bring the brilliant colors of
your fish to life! FEATURES
- Floating Pellet That Will Not Cloud The Water
- Allows easy monitoring of amount eaten
- Helps eliminate over-feeding
- Reduces water quality problems
- More Economical
- Color Enhancement
- High In Carotene & NS Germ
- Brings Out Natural, Brilliant Colors
- Reduces Washed Out Colors
- Contains Stabilized Vitamin C
- Supports immune system health
- Promotes a long, healthy life
- Excellent Daily Diet
- Outstanding nutrition
- High protein levels
- Improved growth rates
- Also great for larger tropical fish
AVAILABLE SIZES Baby Pellet 2 oz #04111 8.8 oz
#04128 22 Lb Item #04189 Mini Pellet 2 oz #04211 8.8 oz #04228 22 Lb
Item #04289 Medium Pellet 2 oz #04311 8.8 oz #04328 22 Lb Item #04389
Large Pellet 2 oz #04411 8.8 oz #04428 22 Lb Item #04489
Feed two to four times daily the amount your fish will eat within a few
minutes. Remove all remaining food after the feeding period to avoid
over-feeding and the water quality problems associated with this action.