The Zoo Med Turtle Dock and Turtle Pond Dock are unique floating docks
for aquatic turtles to bask on. A self-leveling feature automatically
adjusts to all water levels. The submerged ramp allows Turtles easy
access to a dry basking area for maximum exposure to heat and UVB lamps.
Available in multiple sizes to easily accommodate any size aquatic
FAQ: Q: How do I clean my Turtle Dock? A: The dock can be rinsed with warm tap water. A soft scrub brush can be used to remove algae from the dock. Q: The suction cups for my Turtle Dock aren't sticking to the glass any more. A:
You can try soaking the suction cups in a mixture of hot water and
white vinegar. This process should revive them. You can also scrape the
water deposits off of the glass to be sure that the suction cups can
stick to the glass.